Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 11

I woke up early again the next morning. I decided to make waffles for the kids before they left for school.

I smiled to myself as I mixed the batter. I was due over at Vi's in about 2 hours.

The kids ate and left for school. Marie even graced me with a "thank you" before she left. Maybe leaving was really the right thing to do.

I cleaned up the kitchen and got dressed for the day.

When I heard an engine revving, I hurried outside. My new Retro Ride was here! There went that first 5 thousand but at least now I have wheels of my own! I jumped in and headed over to Vi's.

When I got there, I realized she lived right in the heart of town. And in a nice townhouse, too.

She greeted me with a quick hug and invited me in for the ten cent tour.

My first impression is that it is very open.

I told her about spending the money on my new Retro Ride. She told me the rent was $1200 a month. My half would be $600 due by the third so it could be paid on the fifth. I told her that sounded reasonable. So we moved on with our tour.

I cringed at the colors in the kitchen. Vi apologized. She said she doesn't spend much time anywhere but in her room. But once I moved in, I was welcomed to change whatever I wanted.

Next we went up the stairs to her room. THIS room was decorated like I thought it should be. Vi was a painter! I didn't know that. Or the fact that she plays guitar like Jake. I wonder if he taught her to play?

I couldn't hide my shock at the colors in what was going to be my room. Whoever decorated in there must have been BLIND!

Vi walked in and made a loud shriek. "I forgot how bad this room was. PLEASE, for the love of the Creator, change the colors in this room!" We both had a good laugh over her reaction.

She asked why I kept looking at the clock. I told her that Jake said he would meet me at her place. But he hadn't been specific about the time.

She got this look in her eyes like she knew something but all she told me was that the photo shoot with Lizzy lasted until almost 3am so she wouldn't be surprised is he slept until this evening. I shrugged it off. I had boxes to unload from my car to keep me occupied.

By 6 pm, I was done unloading. Vi said she had a date and gave me the spare key. I headed over to Bordelinski's studio where Jake stays when he is in Riverview. But  he wasn't there. My heart fell. I had already left him two voice mails. I didn't want to call him anymore and make him think I was some kind of psycho.

I headed to The Silver Inn for a quick drink. The place was dead! The bartender was more interested in the rerun of SIMvivor than serving drinks.

I tried my hand at throwing darts. I hit the target once ... and the wall twice.

I heard the click of a camera and thought Jake was behind me. But it turned out to be some woman I had never met before.

"So ... throwing darts alone? It's rumored that Jake is not only your photographer but also your lover. Any comment on that?" I was shocked. "What?! THAT is none of your business!"

Just then, my phone vibrated. It was a text from Jake! "@ Bordelinski's get here ASAP!" I left the Inn and hurried back to the studio.

When I got there, I had butterflies in my stomach, again. I would be alone with Jake in the empty studio.

I found Jake hanging around the back of the studio. I was just asking him what was going on when this guy pops up and starts taking pictures. He hollers at the guy to leave me alone then grabs my hand and pulls me inside.

"Jake, what is going on?! Who are these people? And where the crap have you been?"

Jake laughed. "Hold on my little Drama Momma. Let me explain."

"B didn't know it but your beach photo was picked asHost's Choice. Practically overnight, your name has become famous. B is trying to capture that fame and use it to add a few more models to her roster and she needed me to do some portfolio shots. I tried to get to my phone but I was slammed. I was so afraid these people would hurt you in their rush to get a story on you."

I felt much better. That was why that lady at the Inn was taking my picture. And why Jake was gone all day. "You're gonna be alright, My Love." Jake played with the ends of my hair. "Trust me, OK?" I smiled and let out a long breath.

He stepped back and just stared at me.

All of a sudden, I was in his arms being kissed senseless!

"Please stay with me tonight?" Think. Think. Think. "Jake..." I hesitantly start.

 The heck with thinking!

This will make us an official couple!

1 comment:

  1. I will keep a lookout for the next update, I would like to feature it on my blog. She's got fame and the man, she is quite a success.
