Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 4

Momma was up early, cleaning as usual. I stayed in bed until I was sure all the kids were at school. I didn't want to have another episode with Marie.

Madox was amusing himself. I took some time to head to the new dive to see if I could moonlight there.

I took Daddy's truck because Momma and Madox had to go grocery shopping today.

I spoke with the manager. He said I still needed more experience to work there. I was disappointed but decided to have a look around.

It looked like a cool place to party. I might actually have to just go to hang out.
I was approached by a man named Angel. He seemed very interested in me but I noticed a wedding band on his left hand. 

He hit on me! The nerve of that man! I was so glad to get a text from Bordelinski telling me to head to the studio ASAP.

I guess I will have to learn to put up with men behaving like that when I become famous.

I was met out front by Bordelinski's assistant, Violet.

She took me upstairs to the studio. Bordelinski travels a lot and is rarely home. Violet told me to go ahead and change into the outfit she had set out. Jake would be there shorty.

I was confused by the attire. What comp was this for? Violet apologized and told me this was actually for a third competition being hosted by Ella. Today's theme was "RED". I would be working with another model named Don Lothario. I didn't get a chance to socialize with him because Jake showed up.

And Jake was a very demanding photographer! I actually had to kiss Don almost 15 times. Violet offered tictacs after every take, thankfully. Finish time - 9:43pm!

Violet gave me a hug and told me I did a great job. She would have the pictures developed and overnighted to Bordelinski. She also asked if I was free Saturday night. I assumed she wanted to hang out with the new talent so I said yeah and made plans to meet her at the Silver Inn.

As I left the studio, I couldn't help but admire Bordelinski's beautiful house. I wonder who her architect was?

Momma and Daddy were snuggling on the front porch when I got home. I slipped by and into the house.

Marie was doing homework again. I could tell she was trying to ignore me so I headed over to Madox's chair and started to scrub it clean. Then I got him off to bed and checked on the twins.

After all that, I realized I was famished! I headed to the kitchen and made myself a salad. Oh, how I wish I could have had a hamburger!

I took a hot bath then went through my night time beauty routine.

Marie was already asleep by the time I made it to bed. The earliest I have been to bed in days - 12:13am!

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